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I got sick and tired of not being able to find a real keldeo action replay code for my game. all of them were shiny and named "bob" and all that crap. so i
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How Do I get Keldeo in Pokemon - Pokemon.Replay

How Do I get Keldeo in Pokemon white I already have Cobalion Virizion and Terrakion and I also got Kyurem - Pokemon White Questions, Nintendo DS. . - Plus great
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This Code will give you Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genesect in Box 1 Slots 1-3. They are the Fateful Encounter so I believe.., Pokemon Black Nintendo DS
This is my first video. 11:35 Let's Play Pokemon: HeartGold - Part 52 - ARCEUS by PurpleRodri Featured 144,583
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